25 Yaahre Hiwwe wie Driwwe: Celebrating a Quarter-Century of Transatlantic Friendship
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25 Yaahre Hiwwe wie Driwwe:
Celebrating A Quarter-Century of Transatlantic Friendship
Hardcover, 704 pp, ISBN: 978-1-958530-00-9
Editors: Michael Werner & Patrick Donmoyer
Hiwwe wie Driwwe, the world’s only Pennsylvania German-language newspaper, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new commemorative volume of all 50 issues published between 1997-2021. Founded in 1997 by Dr. Michael Werner of Ober-Olm, Germany, as a transatlantic partnership serving communities in Pennsylvania, the Palatinate, and beyond, Hiwwe wie Driwwe has continued to foster and inspire German-American friendship for over 25 years. This new Hiwwe wie Driwwe compilation features the works of dozens of dialect authors, poets, columnists, and correspondents bound together in one volume.
To order your copy today, click here for a printable order form.
Or place your order online at Masthof Press & Bookstore here.